The highest compliment we can receive is the referral of your clients, friends, family and business associates
Please provide contact information for someone you know who might appreciate hearing from us.
We will reach out to introduce Banister Advisors and will let them know you sent us.

Banister is always seeking to grow our network of
trusted professionals and service providers for
mutual client referrals and other collaborations
We welcome the opportunity to connect with leaders in adjacent fields who have a shared interest in healthcare navigation, end-of-life planning, and in serving the bereaved
Banister partners with the following types of professionals and organizations:
Financial Planners
Tax Professionals
Wealth Managers
Bank Trust Officers
Concierge Medicine
Hospital Staff/Doctors
Oncology Centers
Assisted Living Facilities
Retirement Communities
Appraisers (real and personal property, including fine art/jewelry)
Real Estate Brokers / Agents
Funeral Homes
Hospice Chaplains
Hospice Providers
Executive Coaches
Life Coaches
Substance Abuse Recovery